Net Sales Analysis Report
The Net Sales Analysis provides a sales report that does not modify historical data when prior reversals and rebills are processed. Other sales reports, such as the Condensed Sales Analysis, are generated based on the prescription Fill Date, therefore reports from previous days are modified by prior reversals and rebills. Since historical Net Sales Analysis reports are not modified by such transactions, the same data will always be provided for the same report period, regardless of when the report is generated. Summary and Detailed versions of the Net Sales Analysis can be generated. Select the Summary or Detailed checkbox in the Extended report criteria to indicate your selection.
- Click here for more information about the Summary version
- Click here for more information about the Detailed version
Non-retail prescriptions with the following group Rx statuses are included in the report:
- A - Active Regular Dose
- D - Daily (for Monthly NH Only)
- I - Inactivate Regular
- O - Active Non-Drug
- W - Active PRN Dose
- X - Active External
Note: Non-retail prescriptions with group Rx status 'Z - Adjudicate to $0.00' are not included in the main prescription and dollar value counts, as there is no pricing related to these prescriptions.
The report can be generated for a specific group and/or custom class. When one or more of these criteria are specified, it will be indicated near the top of the report.
Generic Drugs
The Extended criteria option called Generics Only allows the report to be generated for prescriptions filled for generic drugs. Generic drugs are flagged in the database according to the manufacturer code (i.e. APX is a generic manufacturer, therefore all APX drugs are considered generics). This provides the ability to obtain prescription volume and gross profit data for your Generic business. When this option is selected, the indicator 'Generic Drugs Only' appears at the top of the report. Click here to determine your generic volume for a specific third party vs. all other third parties.
PrescribeIT® Prescriptions
The Extended criteria option called PrescribeIT® allows the report to be generated specifically for prescriptions filled using PrescribeIT®. Select the “PrescribeIT®” flag to generate this report only for PrescribeIT® prescriptions. See Viewing PrescribeIT® Reports to learn more.
Non-Financial Claims
Non-financial claims are not counted on the Net Sales Analysis. This means prescriptions with a non-financial primary claim will be counted under the first FINANCIAL claim in the prescription’s billing code. This ensures the prescription is counted under the appropriate third party when calculating prescription volume. The first financial claim can be the secondary payor or any subsequent payor. Non-financial claims can be one of the following:
- British Columbia Pharmacare claims that use a ‘DE’ intervention code. For example, if the prescription’s billing code is PC/IA/CA and the DE intervention code is used for the PC claim, the PC claim becomes non-financial; the prescription will be counted on the Net Sales Analysis as an IA prescription instead of a PC prescription.
- Manitoba Health claims that use a ‘DU’ intervention code or the group ID ‘DU’ in the patient’s third party information. For example, if the prescription’s billing code is DU/VO/CA and the DU claim is non-financial, the prescription will be counted on the Net Sales Analysis as a VO prescription instead of a DU prescription.
- Nova Scotia Prescription Monitoring Program prescriptions that use the 'PM' plan in the prescription's billing code. For example, the prescription’s billing code is PM/VO/CA; the PM claim is non-financial, so the prescription will be counted on the Net Sales Analysis as a VO prescription instead of a PM prescription.
- When a House Charge 100% deductible plan is the primary third party in the prescription’s billing code. For example, if the prescription’s billing code is HC/EP/CA and the patient has 100% deductible set for the HC plan, the HC claim is non-financial. The prescription will be counted on the Net Sales Analysis as an EP prescription instead of an HC prescription. If there are multiple House Charge 100% deductible plans in the bulling code prior to the first financial plan, all the House Charge 100% deductible plans are considered non-financial (i.e., HC and HB are both set up with 100% deductible; if the billing code is HC/HB/CA, the first financial plan is CA, so the prescription will be counted as Cash).
Additional Details About this Report
- For each third party, the highlighted row provides the overall totals for that third party; the plan level breakdown provides the totals for each plan within that third party.
- Data for online third parties is displayed in the Online Claims section. These third parties use real-time claims adjudication. The Online Claims Total is the sum of all third party totals in the Online Claims section.
- Data for offline third parties is displayed in the Offline Claims section. These third parties require manual claim submission. The Offline Claims Total is the sum of all third party totals in the Offline Claims section.
- Total Online + Offline Claims is the sum of the Online Claims Total and the Offline Claims Total. This reflects values for all third parties, excluding Cash.
- Cash totals are reported separately.
- The Grand Total row reflects the total values from all sources: all third parties and Cash.
- There are no selectable sort options for this report; the report is sorted alphabetically by third party name.